Announcement: AYASAMAJ.COM Closing Soon Summary Page of website We specialize in philosophy and computer science and our main website is (mirrored also at Currently, forwards to the same site because our main marketing people for our websites retired/left a few years ago. Our algorithms are unique to our products Gita CD, Srimad-Bhagavatam CD, Krsna CD, etc. See our main website for our products and how to order them. Our products feature implementation of our own algorithms for multi-lingual display, data compression, etc. proven mathematically and/or with computer programs. We used lossless compression to fit 20+ hours of audio in each of our multimedia CDs. We even wrote the mathematical proof behind LAVA for and for use in Krishna Software's latest newsletters. We set up to deal with a means of dealing with various diseases naturally and for that which can nurture us naturally for longer healthier life. One of the meanings of the sanskrit word "aya" is for prolonging life or nurturing. LAVA was proven by our research and development (R&D) and deals with flu, cold, etc. and uses natural methods that have no side-effects and is entirely based on natural products, Vedic scriptures, and deductive logic. Currently, the deductive/math proof is still in the form of varoius written notes although LAVA process itself is available from our main page. Nature always does a better job at healing than artificial lab-produced chemicals whose side-efffects sometimes do not show up for decades or may never be known through empirical visual means but are causing harm because they are based on imperfect and inductive methods and/or are incompatible with the human body. Even worse than lab-produced chemicals is radiation treatment (therapy) whose risks/side-effects are known but they still employ them in treating various cancers, eye problems, etc. "Aya" in is a sanskrit root word which mainly means nurturing like a mother nurtures her child and like nature nurtures us by naturally providing food, clean air, clean water, means to create clothes, shelter, etc. to help us grow and help keep our health at an optimal level and also punish us (laws of karma). We can see in animals how they are being provided by nature and get their food, shelter, mates, etc. without having to rely on factories, businesses, money, medicine, vitamins, or other imperfect technologies. So nature is our "bigger" mother and it's arrangements are far superior than artificial man-made arrangements. Just consider how many ways modern society has created to kill us as a side-effect of modernization-- poisons in the air, poisons in the water, poisons in the food (chemicals or result of expiration of processed food), poisons in the medicines (various side-effects some of which may not even be known yet), poisons in the soil (toxic dumps or just pollution from non-biodegradable stuff), poisons even in the air conditioning and heating systems, etc. Many man-made "cures" or things we take it for granted to be "good inventions" have side-effects of poisoning other parts of the system or nature itself-- (1) air heating helps keep us warm in winter but it causes problems with respiratory system in the long run and also spreads any pollutants/viruses throughout the building (just see the number of Corona deaths in nursing homes and other places with air heating); (2) artificial sweeteners (like saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame) provide cheaper way to sweeten your food using artificial lab-created sugar that requires smaller doses as it's more concentrated sweetening formulae but it causes major havoc in the bodies in the long run; note that sometimes these sweeteners are found in products under a different name like Nutrasweet just like when you try to avoid meat and eggs in products you have to find them under different names like Lard, lecithin, gelatin, etc. (3) cars provide faster means to travel than walking, jogging, or using an average horse only to poison our air and our bodies with carbon monoxide, etc. According to Vedic scriptures, there are means to build even air planes, have horses who travel faster than modern rockets, train large birds or other animals who can fly and carry passengers, etc. All these flying objects are compatible with nature so they won't cause pollution or other side-effects or crash. Even Archimedes had a design to build a flying machine that didn't cause pollution. Hey, maybe some of the UFOs spotted are superior machines built using natural and deductive methods. didn't really catch on because our main marketing people left/retired few years ago and also most people are blindly bought unto modern medicine as the only way or best way. With all its imperfections and side-effects, they just take the opinions of medical doctors of how to treat an illness as best way to go rather than rely on perfect deductive methods available through material nature and they have not even heard of nor Many of the natural methods are unheard of by modern medicine or lost in antiquity because of failure to pass down the teachings properly. In order to prevent a complete loss of this website, we have written this summary page to mention some of the important points/algorithms; hopefully, we can finish this summary up soon; it's currently just a rush job. Something factual is better than nothing or tons of speculations flooded on the internet. If you cannot solve an equation, tons of proposed solutions are useless when compared to an exact solution. One should accept the TRUTH or better algorithm regardless from whom or from where it comes without allowing prejudice or ego or blind faith get in the way. Wouldn't you accept a prime number algorithm that works better and/or faster at determining whether a number is prime than Fermat's theorem or doing a whole slew of trial divisions? (part 1 of 3 end). Just looking at modern research done recently, we already find data showing formula milk and chemical milk substitutes are not as healthy for feeding children as natural mother's milk. Similar research has been done on cow milk and cow milk in its natural form or in its natural products like yogurt, cheese, etc. increase health of an individual much more than homogenized and/or pasturized milk or milk with other chemicals added. Now you read the ingredients on most milk sold in stores and there's a whole list of chemicals for preservation and/or "extra" vitamins added due to their speculation that it will improve the health of the consumer and not hinder it. They have turned the naturally healthy cow milk into a type of medicine that can now have side effects like medicine and even made it taste worse. They tried to improve a perfect product and made it worse. The mother cow beats aritficial chemical based milk just like natural mother's breast milk beats formula milk/chemical substitutes. You cannot improve on a perfect product that is based on FULL knowledge of the system and is mistake-free; not only is the cow milk a perfect product but so is the cow itself in its natural state. In fact, even the cow's stool (dung) has benefits in helping to fertilize the soil, producing incense and other products that drive away (if not kill) insects, bugs and other parasites. Even when dealing with microorganisms, cow dung products can be used for antibacterial and antiviral purposes. Similarly, mother earth offers superior healing and health benefits than man-made chemical based products; we already mentioned how bad the artificial sweeteners (like nutra-sweet) worked out. They didn't find out the side-effects and the details (behind the harmful effects) for many years. Similarly, so-called purified water is inferior to natural spring water. All their methods to clean the water and bring it to their natural state have failed. They found out after many years that certain chemicals found in the drinking water like polyfluorooctanoic acids (PFOAs) do not get eliminated even after boiling, filtering and other purification processes. Even the natural spring water we drink has various degrees of natural states. On going research has shown that water in its pure natural state from mother earth's mountains/caves at the origin is healthier than the same water taken later on after it has more chances of being contaminated/polluted by chlorine, lead, and other toxic checmicals in the air, banks of the rivers/streams, or things dumped directly into the water by man and his factories. Forget drinking the water, you can't even swim in the oceans and lakes in some places because of toxic and medical waste that has somehow ended up there. They banned people from swimming in some beaches last year here in NJ because syringes, bottles, etc. washed ashore. However, the bigger problem is what was in those syringes and bottles; that stuff which is "invisible" to the naked eye may be more of an immediate health hazard to living entities than the plastic and glass containers/bottles and wrappers. The standard for water purification process that brings the water to its original natural state is mother earth's process of evaporation and rainfall that is not interfered by pollutants in the air coming from factories and other sources. All these mothers (cow, earth, child's real mother, etc.) are getting their "powers" of nurturing the living entities from the bigger mother nature. A baby survives better in the real mother's womb than in an artificial test tube arrangement and also is born with antibodies to deal with many diseases including Coronavirus which is a new virus! There exist certain natural soils in various places on mother earth (preserved in their original state) that are known to have healing powers. Birds, beasts, etc. survive better in natural habitats as opposed to being caged or put in artificial habitats. In fact we find that many species are dieing out to the point of becoming extinct on earth because of artificial man-made foods, smoke/exhaust/fumes from factories, cars, trucks, etc., man-made non-biodegradable garbage, toxic waste, etc. that have infiltrated into their natural habitat. These poisons have infiltrated also in areas that were protected by the government and marked for preservation of wildlife what to speak of areas where most of the trees and plants have been cut off and offer no countermeasure to neutralize the toxins. We find these poisons in water, in soil, in the air, in the acid rain, in fumes of forest fires, etc. Some places even suffer from sound pollution (and I don't mean just bad music from people that do not know how to compose music or turn up the volume so high that it's deafening and essentially "noise" rather than music). I was once buying a home and was wondering why such a good looking home was so cheap and then I found out because there's a train station nearby and you hear the loud sirens and bangs every hour or so. This can ruin one's sleep and cause insomnia or other disorders. There are other sources of loud bangs/sirens that are irritating and health hazards like from police cars, fire engines, etc. The real-estate person told me that people living here have gotten used to the loud bangs and the sirens and learned to live with them. It may seem they have gotten used to them but it has adversely affected them in some way; maybe they are now more deaf to state the obvious. One of my friends in school once told me that when he moved to a quieter neighborhood from the city, he had to go back to his original home and record all the loud noises and play them back when going to sleep otherwise he could not sleep! This cannot be a normal healthy condition. That we get used to the noise and banging as if it does not do any harm is just another "big bang" theory. If this noise pollution is bad for humans then what to speak of birds/beasts/insects/etc. who may not be able to tolerate the "big bangs" as much as a human. There's also an emotional impact of the loud noises which I hope to get into next time I update this page so meanwhile you can do your own research of what I stated above and verify it for yourself... (part 2 of 3 end). There's also an emotional impact of the loud noises-- caring/loving someone helps nurture anyone to better health-- man or beast-- but yelling, screaming, aruging, etc. can only have an adverse affect on one's health-- man or beast. You also have the fear factor-- hunters trying to kill certain animals for sport or for food. As if the animals didn't get enough poisons from humans, now they have to get eaten as well or killed for the fun of it. Then you have cowards killing cows who do not even present a challenge and the cows seem to sense the suffering and perform poorly in delivering milk or deliver inferior milk to those that are not going to be slaughtered. As mentioned in our 2022 newsletter, certain birds and beasts can sense trouble like earthquakes before it happens. So in polluting the mother earth and causing unnecessary suffering to so many living entities, the bigger mother, material nature, is there to sort things out via laws of karma. Nature somehow works things out so things equal out-- the toxins that animals inhale or ingest actually come back to bite the hunters who eat them or those that promote the hunters by buying the meat! So many diseases come from eating the animals especially ones with toxins in them. Coronavirus, a new virus, is supposedly a result of some lower species of animals like bats having some "bad"/unnatural chemical reaction(s) resulting in a more powerful virus than the flu virus. Talk about creating your own karmic reaction-- even material nature gets a helping hand here in setting up a "suicidal" reaction for perpetrator of the crime(s). Material nature works through all the plans and activities of the living entities and keeps things justified so the pain inflicted by one on others comes back to him equally. Of course, that means material nature has to prevent those that do NOT deserve that exact karmic reaction from access to the poisonous products or being affected by them. For example the bats, the very organisms that carried and helped spread the Coronavirus, are not affected by it. We find cases of people with severe diseases like cancer heal even after being given a few months to live by doctors; on the other hand we find people who have been given the clean bill of health by doctors die suddenly. Note here that one does need to distinguish that some sudden deaths are due to "suicide" of voluntarily taking "bad" medicine not bad karma from a previous action. Just consider major celebrities like Lata Mangeshkar, big sports figures, etc. who were given clean bill of health and vaccinated from Corona still suddenly died or became severly handicapped. The doctors will make up some other explanation for their sudden deaths. It definitely proves there's no deductive logic behind their diagnosis. They do some trial tests on a few people and ASSUME it'll be the similar results for everyone. Even worse, they experiment on innocent animals, and ASSUME results will be similar on humans! Material nature is the mother of all living entities not just humans and on all planets not just earth. Lord Krishna (God) Himself impregnated material nature as stated in SB (3.26.7): "...He impregnates mother nature with children, living entities, and thereafter all species of living entities become manifest." You cannot do better than perfect. God's creation is perfect and so material nature being an emanation from God is also perfect as stated and proved in various Vedic literatures like Srimad-Bhagavatam (8.12.8): "...You are free from material contamination, and since the entire cosmos is caused by You and cannot exist without You, it is an effect of Your transcendental qualities..." Okay, I just need a few more references to complete part 3 so come back to it later. I have been pressed for time to put my notes (written and rough computer drafts) into publishable format regarding this subject. So I decided to just give the link to my rough drafts here: and That's better than nothing and I may not get to revising it to publishable format nor is there any big demand currently. I will give a summary of how nature is always superior to similar man-made products here since I do not have time/help to write/post all the details: (1) nature's products have no side-effects-- even if an apple/banana/etc. goes bad or rots naturally and you eat it, you still won't die whereas if you let a medicine or other man-made chemical based product (like candy, cookies, etc.) expire and then eat it, you will get poisoned (if not die) from ingesting it. In fact even before expiration, you can die from taking the medicine meant for another person. On the other hand, I have seen people even use expired milk and make curds/cheese out of it that's perfectly healthy. Also, nature's food and medicine for a particular living entity is one and the same; I have taken some natural medicine prepared with herbs and spices meant for someone with stomach problems and it was just food for me whereas the same dish was medicine for the other person with stomach problems. (2) Man's observations are limited; they don't have the whole picture unless they rely on scriptures or Absolute Truth; they don't have an exact and complete equation/laws of the universe-- the proof is they have no proof for what they are doing; it's just theories, hypothesis, speculations, absurd conclusions drawn from a limited imperfect set of observations, etc. all subject to change or forced to change when adverse effects or exceptions show up. Only things they have a complete picture are the deductively proven math formulae that don't rely on arbitrary rules/premesis. Besides that, they keep updating things and there is no proof they will converge to a perfect product. The ingredients in the man-made products are subject to change at any time and we may not find out of long-term side-effects for decades or centuries. They didn't know of the polyflurooctanic acid (PFOA) in drinking water for many many years. Even if short-term usage of some artificial product is tolerable by the body, there's less nutritional value and there is still harm on the environment in the manufacture of the product or in the waste it leaves behind. For example, Sulacrose, aspartame, etc. have to be put into the trash bin and a new design is needed after many years of use around the world. You may get away with it using small doses short term but that's no credit to their product, it's more of a credit to the flexibility of the body. On the other hand, the natural foods/medicines coming down from time immemorial have thousands of years of RECORDED testing under their belt with no harmful effects; i.e., absolute truth never changes and scriptures are the absolute truth and never change although they may get translated from one form to another. (3) people have already observed that the lesser the interference by man-made products like weed killers, pesticides, etc., the better the crops, plants, etc. for our health. This is one reason why there is a whole slew of organic foods in the market. These chemicals like paraquat used by farmers have given diseases to farmers themselves not just affected the "health" condition of the crops they grow and sell. There are many notes for this that have not yet been written into computer format, but there's also research out there in this area from many others. Hopefully, some help will arrive from the "dream" girl Jiato, descendant of Ganga. (4) Ultimate proof of how nature is always superior to man-made products is using Platonic forms/subtler elements and their physical implementations [given in Platonic.txt based on written notes pages 75x2..75x9.] Sincerely, Lovely P.S.: The domain is on sale on ebay: The basis of ayasamaj is verse from Sri Isopanisad-- you cannot do better than perfect. God's creation is perfect and so material nature being an emanation from God is also perfect as proved by Iso Upanisad: Om purnam adah purnam idam purnat purnam udacyate purnasya purnam adaya purnam evavasisyate "The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the complete whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the complete whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance." Please read Krishnasoft's latest newsletter (2022) at for explanation of this and mathematical proof behind it. I don't have the complete proof published yet but outline of deductive proof is herein given below. If you have an absolute reference like from Vedic literature coming from disciplic succession (parampara) you don't have to give all those medical references or other research available; anyone that claims to have surpassed a perfect deductive system is grossly mistaken; for example, anyone who claims to have created a "better" sweetener than sugar cane (or even honey) has to be GROSSLY mistaken and it's a matter of time before the truth comes out for the general people; but unfortunately, it comes out too late for many and sometimes it may take hundreds of years as shown with the Fermat's prime number formula. Sometimes, the truth is suppressed by the companies that market the product. Just as I was writing this, someone referred me to "news" that they have found sucralose sweetener to be genotoxic and carcinogenic. But for me, it's not new or "news". It would be very difficult for a limited set of human beings with the restrictions of the 4 defects of cheating, tendency to make mistakes, tendency to be illusioned, and imperfect senses to create a perfect product. Also, there's NO WAY to IMPROVE a perfect product even if human beings were somehow able to avoid these 4 defects. Minor side-effects were already known for the various man-made lab-manufactured sugars but now they are just finding evidence that they have worse side-effects than originally thought especially in the long run. As stated in Krishnasoft's 2022 newsletter, you cannot come to a conclusive truth about something based on induction of experimenting on a few people for a short time. Some people may be able to tolerate the artificial sugars for their lifetime or for a longer time, that does not mean the sugar is better. Sometimes bugs or dirt gets inside the food that people eat, that does not mean there's nothing wrong with eating a few bugs or dirt daily as part of our daily meal. Government agency like FDA takes advantage of the body's tolerability and adaptability to allow the aritificial sugars to be flooding the marketplace until some people start getting serious diseases and then they try to recall or change the rules by putting warning labels. It's the same thing with all those chemicals they use in farms for killing weeds like paraquat, glyphosate, etc. They initially think there's nothing wrong with it, then they update to has minor side effects, then update to probably carcinogenic, and then eventually ban the substance or put warning labels if pressured enough by marketing companies. Deductive method means that once you accept the premesis or if the premesis are obviously true, then the conclusion is NECESSARILY true. So if 2*x^4 = 4802 then it is necessarily true that x = 7 or x = -7 as the two real solutions (we don't need the other two solutions of 7i and -7i as they are imaginary). So if the body with chemical content C generates antibodies B to cure disease X without side-effects, then if someone tries to mimic the generation of antibodies B using chemicals (medicine) V but has side-effects with body (C+V), then it follows that the latter is INFERIOR method of healing disease X. And it proves lack of knowledge of the body as a whole. It's like someone trying to learn dance by imitating dancers through some window without attending the classes. They only "steal" some information (if any) and may end up getting injured or not being able to do some of the complex moves or subtle moves that were not observed or wrongly observed or are not observable due to not being physical in nature. So all those artificial sweeteners are based on trying to "mimic" the real sugar and then under BIG assumptions that their imitation sugar is "all there is to being an edible sugar" and the rest of the system will be unaffected negatively, they get it approved it by FDA. Then they dare to claim, they can improve it with more sweetness in less volume and with less calories. They never proved that they had a good sugar to begin with; they just assumed they did until people started getting sick for "unknown" reasons and they were pretty much forced to figure out the cause of the sudden appearance of cancer cells or some other "new" disease(s). Sticking to same analogy of learning dance, some people have a hard time learning the art of dance even under guidance of someone who knows it so what to speak of those who imitate it. The fact that despite hundreds of years of research and empirical observations of creating imitation sugars, they produced it with side effects and not all the side effects are known since some seem to be popping up even to the present day. On the other hand, nature's creation of sugar is always free of side-effects and has been around since whenever creation took place. Now if they had understood the verse quoted above "om purnam adah purnam idam..." deductively (through parampara), they would have saved themselves a ton of time with trial and error experiments and countless lives would have been saved. If the solutions to 2*x^4 = 4802 are already known, what's the point of discussing other speculating solutions; we already know they will fail to fit the equation although they may come close. Whatever other so-called "solutions" you come up with are INFERIOR whether you believe it or not. There's no reason to wait for research to show they are inferior and risk your health and assume they are okay until shown otherwise. Deductively and inductively, nature's sugar is superior as derived from the verse "om purnam adah purnam idam..." and time-tested for thousands of years. On the other hand, there have been at least minor side-effects known of artificial sugars and yet some people assume it's a "better" sugar until serious side-effects are found. That's wrong way of thinking. If they don't know the exact equation of what constitutes a perfect sugar, then even inductively speaking if something has defects, then it can only get worse. If you learned dance wrong by imitation or not understanding the teacher and think you have a easier, faster, or better way to perform some series of step where the "pause" isn't needed but can be filled with some more action to impress the audience, then that person is grossly mistaken. It could be that if you have to perform dance daily and do long marathon dances, then that step that you concocted can end up handicapping you or breaking your ankles in the long run. I have seen it in so-called "yogas"; people have added steps to the yoga exercises that are not in the original Hatha Yoga system because they "think" that "improves" it and allows them to exercise some part of the body that the original exercise did not address. It's no longer yoga when you speculated your own 2 cents into the picture. Maybe that step you added is incompatible with the rest of the exercise and causes the wrong flow of the blood in the body and eventually leads to vertigo or some other disorder. Then you will go and add to your theory that "yoga is not for everyone." or "yoga is dangerous." Real yoga is originally in the Vedas even before they were written down and similarly various yoga processes are all originally from God's scriptures and deductive in nature. People may not be familiar with dance or Hatha-yoga based on Vedic scriptures so I am going to give examples using modern science field. In modern days, let's take an example of using an AC adapter to charge your tablet. Sometimes people use an AC adapter that does not have sufficient current to charge a tablet say 0.85 Amperes vs. 2.0 Amperes. Although it may charge the tablet and the charger may be smaller and cheaper, it is NOT better than the 2.0 Amperes charger. The low-amperage charger has side-effects like it will heat up quickly and may even catch fire and will fail faster (reduced life-span) or may not properly charge the tablet fully. I have experimented on this method of using a lower amps charger. i found that some tablets charge fine if they are off but don't properly charge if they are on; that's like another side-effect. I have also burned out a few chargers because they overheated and blew a fuse or died although they seem to be charging some tablets fine. I remember people used to overclock the Intel processors so that a 25Mhz 486 chip would run at 33Mhz, but they increased the risk of certain instructions failing or processor itself overheating or going into meltdown. If it was able to go to 33Mhz safely, don't you think Intel would have made it run at 33Mhz to begin with. They rated at 25Mhz max because they TOOK EVERYTHING INTO ACCOUNT that is inside the processor and common external conditions! So don't tell us we have a better sugar and mention a few minor known side-effects but a decade later tell us sorry it's genotoxic and carcinogenic because you did not take into account the chemical that wasn't present during their limited clinical test. Maybe there are chemicals outside the body that when inhaled also cause a bad reaction with your "new" sugar. Or something else that was not taken into account in your "bad reaction". Hey, we know plants are affected by the moon and that was not something that was easily observable. Before claiming you have a better medicine than nature's method or better sugar than nature's, take the entire universe into account or at least neighboring planets/stars around the earth.